Cara menghilangkan Navbar pada blogger agar pro

Cara menghilangkan navbar agar lebih SEO, menghilangkan navbar pada blog blogger. Navbar adalah fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh Blogger/blogspot, bentuknya berupa kotak kecil memanjang kesamping yang letaknya berada di bagian paling atas dari blog yang fungsinya antara lain untuk mulai melakukan Sign In/out atau bisa juga membuat Blog baru. Navigation Bar juga bisa digunakan untuk melaporkan kecurangan atau tindak kejahatan weblog yang dilakukan oleh seorang blogger, misalnya kontent blognya yang melanggar TOS atau hal-hal yang dianggap merugikan orang lain.
Namun ada beberapa blogger yang merasa akan lebih enak jika melihat tampilan blognya dalam keadaan bersih tanpa harus ada bagian mencolok di bagian atas blognya sendiri (NavBar). Karena itu, kadang para blogger menghapus NavBar tersebut. Pertanyaannya adalah: Apa tidak melanggar Term of Service (TOS) dari
Sejauh ini, banyak blogger yang telah menghilangkan Navbar mereka dan tidak juga mendapat teguran dari blogger. Artinya, bisa dilakukan. Toh di TOS Blogger sendiri juga tidak ada aturan yang cukup detail tentang hal ini.

Nah, bagaimana menghilangkan Navigation Bar?
Ada beberapa penyedia template yang memang sudah tidak ada NavBar-nya. Namun bagi kamu yang memakai template yang masih ada NavBarnya dan ingin menghilangkannya maka inilah caranya.

1. Kamu harus Login dulu di /
2. Trus Pilih Layout --> Edit HTML
3. Silahkan cari kode berikut ini copy dan pastekan sebelum tag </style>

#navbar-iframe {

4. Klik tombol Simpan Template.

Jika tidak berfungsi pada template klasik ada cara yang lain nih yaitu, Silahkan cari kode ini copy dan pastekan sebelum tag ]]></b:skin>

#navbar-iframe {
Terus klik Simpan Template
Sekarang anda lihat blog anda apakah sudah hilang apa belum navbarnya.

Semoga bermanfaat

SEO friendly dengan memasang breadcrumbs pada blog

Breadcrumbs untuk SEO, SEO yang sangat ampuh dengan memakai breadcrumbs. Cara Pasang Breadcrumbs Untuk Blogspot - Seperti dipostingan terdahulu yang menjelaskan Cara Menghadapi Algoritma Google Panda 2.2, bahwa algoritma ini salah satu nya dapat ditaklukkan dengan optimasi blog dummy, kini ternyata pemasangan Breadcrumb di blog adalah satu cara menghadapi google panda tersebut. Keyword yang dicari oleh visitor adalah berdasarkan density keyword yang kita pasang di artikel kita. Bagi Google, pengulangan keyword ini sangatlah berpengaruh, namun tidak bagi Yahoo. Yahoo akan merangking website berdasarkan sedikitnya angka keyword density dari artikel atau website tersebut.

Kembali lagi ke laptop! Hehehe.. Breadcrumb navigasi ini sebenarnya adalah widget sederhana dan sudah menjadi bukan makanan atau trik baru di blogger, namun peranannya dalam membantu mesin pencari mengindeks page halaman website sangatlah besar. Baiklah, kalau sobat penasaran, apa itu Breadcrumbs, silakan lihat gambar dibawah ini.

Kembali lagi ke laptop! Hehehe.. Breadcrumb navigasi ini sebenarnya adalah widget sederhana dan sudah menjadi bukan makanan atau trik baru di blogger, namun peranannya dalam membantu mesin pencari mengindeks page halaman website sangatlah besar.

Lalu bagaimana caranya membuat Breadcrumb di Blogspot?

* Mudah, silakan sobat log in di, kemudian sobat masuk ke dashboar, klik EDIT HTML, jangan lupa centang expand template widget.

* Kemudian cari kode ]]></b:skin> ini, dengan CRTL+F dengan keyboard sobat

* Kemudian paste-kan kode ini persis diatas ]]></b:skin> :
.breadcrumbs {
padding:5px 5px 5px 0;
border-bottom:4px double #e2e7b4;
.breadcrumbs a {
color: #000000;
* Kemudian silakan cari kode <div class='post hentry'> dengan cara CTRL+F biar cepat

* Dan paste-kan kode dibawa ini tepat dibawah kode <div class='post hentry'> :
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div class='breadcrumbs'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Ganti Dengan Kata Kunci Utama Blog</a> &#187; <b:if cond='data:post.labels'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a> <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'> , </b:if> </b:loop> </b:if> &#187; <data:post.title/> </div> </b:if> </b:if>
* Kemudian jika sudah, silakan simpan template sobat. Dan lihat tampilan blog sobat sudah berubah dan lebih SEO sekarang di mata mesin pencari.

Semoga bermanfaat dan blog anda semakin SEO friendly.

Cara membuat read more berwarna

Cara membuat read more, cara membuat read more berwarna, tips membuat read more, memberi background pada read more.  Ini adalah salah satu cara untuk memoles tampilan link "Read more" di blog anda. Link Read more anda bisa ditambahkan background dengan warna untuk memperindah tampilan blog anda dan semakin profesional.

Cara ini untuk memperindah tampilan link Read more di blog anda, yaitu :

Untuk memodifikasi background link "Read More", memang diharuskan untuk mengedit kode HTML blog anda. Untuk membuatnya berikut ini caranya.

  1. Login ke
  2. Klik Dashboard
  3. Klik Rancangan 
  4. Klik Edit HTML

Tapi Pertama-tama download dulu kode HTML blog anda untuk jaga-jaga kalau anda ingin kembali ke tampilan blog sebelumnya.

Setelah itu copy paste kodenya di bawah ini
.jump-link a  {-moz-border-radius:5px;-khtml-border-radius: 5px;  -webkit-border-radius: 5px; padding:2px 12px; font-style: italic; border:1px solid #b7b7b6; margin:10px 0px; text-decoration: none; color: #000; background: #ccc; text-align: right; float: right; }
.jump-link a:hover {border:1px solid #545353; color:#fff; background:#797878; }
Taruh kodenya diatas  ]]></b:skin>
Untuk mempercepat pencarian kode ]]></b:skin>, tekan CTRL+F di keyboard anda.
Kemudian klik Save dan finish.

Anda masih dapat mengubah kode CSS seperti yang Anda inginkan, berdasarkan desain blog Anda. Warna yang diberikan adalah abu-abu, tetapi Anda dapat mengubahnya dengan warna lain, misalnya
background: # ccc;
Ganti kode warna dengan kode warna favorit Anda, seperti:
background: # 1881f7;
Jika Anda memiliki kode diedit, jangan lupa untuk Simpan Template.

Cara membuat komentar admin berbeda

Cara membuat komentar, cara membuat komentar admin berbeda, cara mengubah penampilan komentar. Ketika saya jalan-jalan (blogwalking) saya sering menemukan komentar admin yang berbeda dari pengunjung nya. Hal ini membuat saya selalu bertanya-tanya bagaimana cara mereka membuat nya karena template blogspot punya saya tidak seperti itu.

Akhirnya saya googling dan menemukan banyak cara untuk membuat ini, berikut Cara Membuat Kotak Komentar Admin Berbeda Di Blog :

1. Masuk blogger > rancangan > edit html > centang expand template widget
2. Cari kode ]]></b:skin>
3. Pastekan kode berikut tepat di atas kode  ]]></b:skin>
.author-comments {
background: #333333;
border: 2px solid #666666;
padding: 5px;
Pada kode berwarna merah di kotak atasbisa diganti sesuai keinginan.
Kemudian cari kode :


Jika sudah ketemu kode di atas, pastekan kode di bawah ini tepat di bawah </dt>
<b:if cond=' =='>
<dd class='author-comments'>
Kemudian cari kode <dd class='comment-footer'> tambahkan </b:if> tepat di atas kode :
<dd class='comment-footer'>

Sehingga keseluruhannya tampak seperti di bawah ini :
<b:if cond=' =='>
<dd class='author-comments'>
<b:else/> <dd class='comment-body' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId data:comment.cmtBodyIdPostfix'>
<b:if cond='data:comment.isDeleted'>
<span class='deleted-comment'><data:comment.body/></span>
<dd class='comment-footer'>
Terakhir simpan template, dan kemudian untuk melihat hasilnya silahkan  berkomentar di blog sendiri dengan catatan harus login di blogger dulu.

Semoga bermanfaat buat blog sobat.

Tips mendapatkan pagerank dari google

Cara mudah mendapatkan pagerank, cara mendapatkan pagerank, tips mendapatkan pagerank. Cara Mendapatkan Pagerank dari Google,karena banyak teman-teman dari blogger menanyakan ” bagaimana sih cara mendapatkan pagerank ? ” maka dari itu saya ber inisiatif berbagi ilmu dari pengalaman saya sendiri untuk cara mendapatkan pagerank (PR) tersebut, saya mulai belajar ngeblog sejak 3 bulan yang lalu dan blog saya pun akhirnya berkembang sangat pesat dan mendapatkan PR1, belum begitu tinggi tapi saya mencoba berbagi kepada teman teman sesama blogger, karena mendapatkan pagerank adalah kebanggaan tersendiri sebagian blogger.

Cara mendapatkan pagerank ini susah susah gampang, dan sangat tergantung pada hoki blog kita. Pertama kita bahas apa itu pagerank, PR atau pagerank adalah nilai tolak ukur dalam google, ringkasnya begini, semakin tinggi PR blog kita semakin mudah kima masuk kedalam top 10 google, tanpa perlu terlalu di sibukkan dengan riset kata kunci walaupun faktor itu penting,
langsung saja di bawah ini saya tips Mendapatkan Pagerank dari Google, yaitu :
  1. Gunakan domain .com (Walaupun harus ada biaya tapi cara ini terbukti efektif).
  2. Gunakan template yang bertema SEO friendly.
  3. Rajinlah mensubmit artikel ke sosial bookmark saya usulkan menggunakan lintas berita.
  4. Rajin lah menukarkan link anda kepada sesama blogger, jika anda berminat tukar link dengan saya bisa melalui Exchange Link.
  5. Postinglah artikel yang original, jangan copas paling gk 2 hari sekali.
  6. Berdoalah, hal ini yang paling utama.

Cara Mendapatkan Pagerank dari Google,Karena ini hanyalah dari pengalaman pribadi diri saya sendiri dari web yang saya kembangkan dan permintaan dari teman-teman blogger, artikel saya yang berjudul  Cara Mendapatkan Pagerank dari Google juga saya harapkan menjadi bahan referensi temen-teman sesama blogger untuk mendapatkan Pagerank karena dengan adanya ranking pada blog, maka blog itu mendapatkan kepercayaan oleh search engine.

Sekian dulu tips mendapatkan pagerank (PR) dari saya, semoga bermanfaat bagi blog sobat.

Tukar Link & Banner

Tukar link agar lebih SEO, tukar link agar menaikan rangking alexa. Terima kasih banyak kepada blogger yang mau bertukar link dengan blog yang terkenal ini (Amin) Toolbarku. Bagi yang ingin bertukar link harap mencantumkan Sript dengan lengkap sesuai dengan ketentuan pemasangannya. Silahkan copy paste pada link exchange dibawah ini ke blog sobat :
Berbentuk link :

Info Toolbarku

Selain itu anda juga dapat memasang banner saya berikut ini tenang sobat banner saya tidak memakan tempat :

banner toolbarku

Blog anda akan saya pantau untuk memastikan backlink dapat diletakan dengan baik.
Salam blogger sukses dari Info Toolbarku

Daftar link sahabat :

Berbagi trik dan tutorial , belajar blog | bisnis online | belajar SEO
Dexer Blog
Jual sale pisang
K. , [KamuKlik™ | Belajar Blog dan Komputer]
Oto Website
Post Iklan Media Promosi tanpa daftar dan langsung tampil
Tukar Link Gratis , Tukeran Link | Backlink | Link Exchange
Banner sahabat :

1.  Blogwalking with dexer
2. Internet
3. lostmyidea

Bagi anda yang sudah memasang Script link atau banner blog Toolbarku silahkan tinggalkan komentar dibawah ini dengan mencantumkan Title / Anchor Text beserta alamat URL Blog Anda. Dan jika link Toolbarku sudah terpasang dan saya akan memantaunya, maka saya akan segera memasang link anda secepatnya.

Terima kasih bagi yang sudah bekerja sama dengan Toolbarku semoga dapat mempererat persahabatan antar blogger terutama blogger yang ada di indonesia.

Hormat kami : Admin atau pemilik blog ini

Identifiying and combating duplicate content issues

Duplicate content
A recent post by Paddy Moogan from Distilled about when to use a 301 redirect and when to use a Rel = Canonical got me thinking about all the possible ways we can fight duplicate content issues. First, for those who are new into search marketing; a duplicate content penalty is a consequence that the Search Engines impose when they find large amounts of text that have been copied from other sources on the Web.
Some would argue that the search engines are simply filtering you out of the SERP’s (search engine results pages) in effort to deliver more relevant, fresh content. Anyway you look at it, you won’t benefit from it, and therefore it’s a penalty in my eyes.

What can cause duplicate content problems?
Duplicate homepages can be seen as individual pages, possibly discounting the merit that your true homepage has earned. If your site homepage can be viewed like the examples below, you may want to continue reading to correct the error. or are both good, but it needs to be one or the other. or /home or /homepage needs to be corrected.

There is also the possibility that someone has outright stolen your content. If that content you created has already been crawled and established itself in Google’s index, odds are that thief isn’t going to benefit on the search engines. Ideally they’ll just get filtered out.

Creating dozens of versions of the same article to distribute to article sites/networks is a rather popular link building technique. While I won’t take a stance on its effectiveness, if you use an article that is already on your site and create numerous versions of it, it can come back to bite you because the search engines can still see the correlation between the original and the copies spread all over the Web. It’s quite possible it could even discount those included links further.

Some shopping cart content management systems can have different paths to get to the same product or category page. Why is this an issue? Well if those two different URLs are going to the same product, then it’s fair to say that those are duplicate pages.

However, if you have a blog and you’re worried about your different categories having duplicate content because of the different categories you posted it in; the Search Engines are keen to this and understand blogs. Also, the more posts you get in those categories, the more it’ll mix up that content preventing any sort of duplicate content problem. Same story with post snippets.

How can I find any duplicate content that could be hurting my site?
One way is to browse your site to see if you have any of the examples above. Another is to type your URL into Copyscape. Keep in mind that when you do this, it is only showing you the result for that exact page that you entered, not sitewide. Also, it will not return results of duplicate content that you have on the same URL that you submitted your query for.

How do I fix my duplicate content issues?
First, the odds of you hurting from other people stealing your content isn’t very likely. Lookup in and you’ll see that there are pages of results but because they were the originators of the content, it’s not likely that they’ll be filtered out or receive any sort of penalty.

If you have content that other people have copied or stolen, you can try e-mailing the webmaster and kindly asking them to take it down. Chances of them responding aren’t very likely so the best thing you can do is probably just forget about it. People steal content left and right on the Internet, dwelling on it is just wasting your time when you’re probably not getting penalized from it anyway.

How to fix duplicate homepage issues
Luckily if you are getting penalized because you have duplicate pages, it’s on your end of things and it’s relatively easy to fix. If you have duplicate homepage problems locate your .htaccess file.

Add the following code to redirect all your www-URLs to the non-www URLs:

RedirectMatch: 301 ^(.*)$
RedirectMatch permanent: ^(.*)$
You’ll need to replace “” with your URL as well as change whether you want everything to go to www or non-www.

If you need to get rid of your /index or /homepage page problems you’ll need to implement a simple 301 redirect. This will also need to be specified in the .htaccess file using the code below:

Redirect 301: /badurl.htm
Change the example URLs to make sense with your particular situation.

Redirect 301 /index
For more clarification, it’s telling the site to permanently redirect your /index to leaving you with a clean URL structure. Now, all your duplicate homepages should go to either or, whichever you preferred.

Fixing Other Duplicate Pages Using the Rel=Canonical Tag
For example, if you have a product site that has more than one way of getting to the product, those duplicate URLs could be hurting each other. For example: vs.

Same page, different URLs. In this instance, using a rel=canonical tag is in your best interest. Using it will tell the major Search Engines that the page that copies your other page should be treated as one in the same. For example:

If isn’t the correct page, and you would rather have be the main page, you’d want to put a rel=canonical tag on This way the Search Engines understand that it’s a user-generated duplicate page and that you want all the links and other metrics to be directed towards the right page. No longer will the search engines be confused on which page to display or give credit too.

Using the rel=canonical tag is an alternative to programming a 301 redirect. A 301 redirect is still the preferred way to guarantee the search engines understand your intent to move content from one URL to another.

In addition to fixing potential duplicate content issues, treating the two separate pages as one can help any keyword cannibalization that could be going on.

How to use google adwords keyword tool for SEO

While the Adwords tool is meant for PPC, it’s also a vital tool when performing keyword research for SEO. Google Adwords identifies the number of searches for specific words or key phrases. However, many people leave with false information because there are several different filters with different numbers.
If you go to the keyword tool and search for “online schools,” “online degrees” and “online education,” you’ll get information about those keywords as well as many other related terms.
Underneath the search field is a checkbox as shown below:
Make sure this is checked; otherwise you will get a huge list of keywords that may not actually apply to your business.
Google automatically presets your location and language to serve you the most relevant results. It sets my location as “United States” and my language as “English.”
You can change this if it doesn’t happen to apply to you by expanding the Advances Searchsection.
The next step is to simply click search. This is where the tool can get confusing.
If you’re like many, it would appear as though there are 246,000 searches for “online schools” all over the globe. Likewise, somebody would think that there are 201,000 searches for the same keyword in your local area.
This is not true and I’ve had many people regret their decision to pursue these keywords because they just didn’t understand the data.
Over on the left there is a column with “Match Types.” Check the box associated with [Exact]. This will change the keyword numbers to reflect more realistic search volume.

“Why wouldn’t the keyword tool show me exact search volume from the beginning?”
The default match type of “Broad” is referring to the number of searches that involve the phrase. For example, it’s giving you search volume numbers for the keyword “online schools” as well as search volume for all the other keywords that mention that phrase such as “best online schools,” “online schools degrees,” “online high schools” and others.
The other match type, “Phrase,” shows you keywords where the exact phrase of your keyword is used. This includes keywords where the term is used with other words within the phrase. For example, using the Phrase match type while searching “online schools” would give you search volume for other keywords like “best online schools” or “online schools degrees” but not “online high schools” or “online accredited schools” because the original phrase is being broken up.
If you’re looking for how many people search a specific keyword, stay with [Exact].
Now that the data has been changed to realistic numbers, you’ll notice the number of searchers go down drastically.
Because there are some terms that are searched worldwide, Google differentiates the two searches columns to Global and Local. The numbers underneath Global are the amount of searches all around the globe averaged out over 12 months. Searches in the Local column are referring to the location that you specified in the beginning. In our case, they’re showing the number of searches in the Unites States averaged out over 12 months.
That’s basically the gist of the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. There are some other things you can do with this tool to improve your keyword research and discover additional relevant keywords. This is by no means advanced or the end to your keyword research, you still need to analyze your online competition, research the searcher’s intent and decide what’s worth going after given your time and budget.

The 3 Key Elements of a successful SEO campaign

SEO campaign
SEO is similar to building a structure that will stand the test of time. A successful search engine optimization campaign requires a solid foundation to endure challenges from competitors and changes in search engine algorithms. A campaign that includes the following three key elements will have the foundation for long-term success.

A Well Targeted Keyword Focus

Keyword research is the groundwork for a successful SEO campaign. Doing keyword research in a way that will bring long-term success requires in-depth analysis around all keywords that may be relevant to the products or services of the targeted website. Start with the most general keywords and find long tail keywords relating to each of them, then search for other long tail keywords relating to each of those. This pattern can be repeated many times to find many keyword opportunities. This strategy will also uncover some highly targeted keywords that will convert well and could be fairly easy to rank for. Remember that long tail keywords are often less competitive and typically convert much better. Be sure to search for lateral keywords as well. Lateral keywords are those that have the same meaning as other targeted keywords. So if I am optimizing a website about “aquariums”, I would also want to optimize it for the term “fish tanks.”

Strong Page Element Optimization

The optimization of the HTML elements on each page of the website is a critical factor in search engine optimization. Targeted search terms should be included in various places in the HTML code to tell the search engine crawlers what the page is about. The following elements must be optimized to allow for a successful SEO campaign.
Page Title: The page title (title tag) should include the targeted search terms and be a well written sentence that is 64 to 70 characters long. It should not be a string of keywords or one keyword phrase repeated several times. Remember that a good page title will not only be keyword targeted but also will entice a person to click on it in the search results.

Page Headings: The page heading (and subheadings) should be formatted properly using H1, H2 and H3 tags and include the targeted search terms. Cascading Style Sheets can be used to format the heading to fit with the content of the webpage. H1 tags are meant to be used for the main page heading and should only be used more than once on a page where it makes sense. H2, H3 and other header tags can be used for content subheadings and headings to site navigation.

Image Alternate Text: Optimize Alt Attributes of images by including targeted keywords where the keywords have some relevance to the image. Alternate text should tell a website visitor what the image is. When optimized, the alternate text can help with keyword rankings for both the webpage and the image in image searches. Do not make your image Alt Attribute extremely long and keyword stuffed. Alternate text should be brief and relate well to the image.

Link Anchor Text: Site content should include links to other pages of the website that have keywords in the anchor text. Adding two or three keyword links into page content of 150 or more words is ideal. Do not fill the page content full of keyword links. Remember that linking in the content more than once to the same page will not give any additional SEO benefits.

Good Quality Page Content

A website with good quality content will be one step closer to getting top search engine rankings. The search engines are constantly trying to improve the quality of the search results. The one way to be sure to always be relevant when algorithms are updated is to provide content that search engines will consider high quality. That kind of content is not copied from other websites. It is unique and provides value to a site visitor. Writing guides, fact sheets, frequently asked questions, common misconceptions and practical use articles are all great ways to add good content to a website. Keep in mind that having great content will not only give the search engines a good idea of what the website is about but will also give other webmasters a good reason to link to your website.

So you want to rank in google?

Page rank
Discussing SEO with clients is no easy task but educating them about what is required to get them rankings is extremely important in order to set the right expectations. Individuals working in SEO must understand how Google and other search engines crawl, index and rank websites to be able to educate the client accordingly.

It is hard to know how difficult achieving rankings with a new search engine optimization project will be because so many factors play into it and Google is always adjusting its algorithm. By understanding search engines you can help clients understand how difficult an SEO’s job is at times.
So how does Google’s algorithm work?

The Anatomy of a Search Engine:

This is a basic breakdown of a much more complex process.
  • A URL Server sends over lists of URLs to be crawled.
  • The crawlers download the web pages then send them to the store server.
  • The store server compresses and stores the web pages.
  • Every web page is given an associated ID number called a docID then sent to the indexer.
  • The indexing function is performed by the indexer and the sorter.
  • All of the documents (webpages) are converted into a set of word occurrences called hits. Each hit records the word, position in document and other variables.
  • The indexer sends these hits into a set of “buckets”, creating a partial index.
  • The indexer separates out all of the links in every web page and keeps important information about them in another file. This file contains information about where each link points from and to, and the text of the link.
  • The links database is used to compute PageRanks for all the documents. The sortertakes the barrels, which are sorted by docID…., and resorts them by wordID to generate the inverted index…… The searcher is run by a web server and uses the inverted index and the PageRanks to answer queries.

Search engines use very complex algorithms that few people truly understand but it is still important to know how they crawl and index web pages.

In laymen’s terms this is what it happens :

Say someone is looking for information about blu ray players. Google takes the billions of documents on the web and converts them into wordID’s. Then it looks for instances or patterns of the wordID’s across all of the documents and ranks the documents based on how often the wordID’s appear

Based off of the table above you can see that document 134 shows up in every document making it the most relevant and thus potentially ranking very high in the search results. Google has to sort through millions of documents on the web that could be talking about Ray-Ban glasses that are blue, blue ray jackets, Tampa Devil Rays jerseys that are blue, Devil Ray players, Blue Apple players and so on. In addition to looking for wordID’s, links and other on-pages factors are taken into consideration when trying to rank a site. This gets very complex really quick.
Key Takeaway: Google has to create an “association” or see that your site is relevant for a given keyword out of billions of documents. That association could take months if not years to create and it becomes even more difficult to create as you move closer to the top 10 results. *We know Google has around 200 ranking factors so it would be a good idea for a client to implement as many on-page elements as possible, to send a clear message to Google as to what the page is about, since on-page elements tend to be easier to control then the link building aspect.
Knowing the basic process is good but how much information does Google have to sort through in order to find the most relevant webpage for a search query?
What Does It Take To Get a List of Results?
  • More than 1 million computing hours have gone into preparing Google’s index
  • More than 1 billion searches are performed on Google every day
  • More than 1,000 man years have been spent on developing Google’s algorithm
  • Google’s Caffeine index contains over 100 million gigabytes
  • In July of 2008 Google processed 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) unique URLs. What does that equate to: That is the equivalent of, “fully exploring every intersection of every road in the United States. Except it’d be a map about 50,000 times as big as the U.S., with 50,000 times as many roads and intersections.” Google computes this every day.
  • Google’s database of indexed pages is 5 million terabytes – A stack of DVDs holding Google’s index would be as tall as 3,192 Empire State buildings.
This is the task of an SEO, to try and help Google effectively sort through all of the web pages and then to help a client rank for a certain search query. This is why it takes time to potentially rank for a given keyword. As SEO’s optimize pages and build links Google is sorting through the tremendous amounts of data every day in order to better understand which pages should rank in the top positions.

As you can see a lot of time and energy has been spent by Google in order to bring back relevant results to users. It does not stop there. Since new web pages are being created daily, Google has to keep up with all of this new information. Because of that Google and other search engines need to be efficient and effective in how they manage all of this information.
Google is Always Changing.

Even if a client has everything in place and is able to get to the first page of the search results, Google is always changing and tweaking its algorithm so it is an uphill battle.
Google made over 500 changes to their algorithm last year and Matt Cutts has stated,
Overall, our advice for publishers continues to be to focus on delivering the best possible user experience on your websites……This change is just one of the over 500 improvements we expect to roll out to search this year.

The news came on January 19th when Google announced another algorithm change.
While the majority of these changes are small, a number of big changes took place last year that affected nearly 50% of all search queries.

For an up to date timeline of Google’s changes over the years check out Since Google is always changing the way they rank sites it makes an SEO’s job that much more difficult. Keeping up to date on the latest changes and industry news is never ending for an SEO.
Obviously there are many more factors to consider when getting into an SEO campaign but I have found that helping clients recognize how much work it takes to get sites to rank can improve the overall relationship in a positive way.

Situation-specifik link building strategies for a solid SEO Campaign

Strategies SEO
If you don’t have a solid link building strategy guiding your SEO campaign, you might fall short of your goals because of mediocre results. There is no “one size fits all” link building campaign, despite what you may find with other illegitimate ‘SEO firms’. A true link building strategy needs to be custom to provide optimal results, which includes researching your competitors, understanding the status quo of your site and establishing the strengths and weaknesses of your backlink portfolio.

Situation #1: Extremely authoritative site, 5+ year old domain and no prior SEO campaigns.

Symptoms: Websites that fall under this category have significant age– at least 5+ years. You must be an authority within your industry both online and offline and have had no prior SEO campaigns. Websites in this situation are interested in getting on the SEO bandwagon, but haven’t because of a focus on other marketing channels.

Diagnosis: So, how do you improve your rankings based on this situation? First things first, if your website is highly authoritative, start with a complete site optimization by adding your keywords in the appropriate sections. Chances are, once this is completed and is indexed, your keyword rankings will have an initial spike.Then, run a report in OpenSiteExplorer.organd “Show ALL links from ONLY EXTERNAL pages to THIS PAGE.” Click the “Anchor Text” tab. All websites naturally accumulate links from random websites across the internet. This will show you what the most used anchor text will be. Likely, it’s going to be branded terms.The type of link building that you engage in to boost those rankings is very important. Right now your website’s link portfolio doesn’t have the right balance of quality and quantity. If you haven’t done link building before, chances are you already have many quality links, but they’re missing critical elements needed to translate into better keyword rankings.

Treatment: Your website needs more links using keyword specific anchor text. This doesn’t need to be exact match anchor text, but the search engines are currently only seeing your brand name. While it’s not the highest quality link building, simple directory submissions or quick article distribution websites using your keywords in the anchor text will go a long way. Don’t go overboard. Remember, everything in moderation.

Situation #2: 2-5 year old aged site, little authority and highly optimized onsite and offsite.

Symptoms: You’ve been playing the SEO game for the past few years, with both link building and onsite optimization. Maybe you’ve gone through a couple of outsourced SEO firms that did mediocre work, or you’ve attempted link building before, but with no real direction.

Diagnosis: The fact that your site has little authority shows that the link building that’s been done was subpar. Likely only directory submissions, bookmark links and shadier-than-normal article directories. If your website is in this position, it’s likely that the SEO wasn’t really taken seriously, and the “get rich quick” mindset was all too involved.

Treatment: It’s apparent that the SEO thus far has been substandard. I would recommend reviewing the onsite optimization for the pages you are trying to rank. How relevant are these pages for their keywords vs. other pages? Do you have internal linking going on throughout your blog/article section and on other key pages? Once that’s corrected, link building should consist of mainly press releases, viral pieces (e.g. infographics, widgets, tools), guest blog posting and very selective industry forums/directories. Unless the anchor text you’ve used in the past was only branded, I would recommend staying away from exact match anchor text since that’s what is commonly used with poor, bulk link building.  Use branded anchor text or a mix between branded and keyword specific text.

Situation #3: Brand new website, no links and no optimization of any kind.

Symptoms: Your website is less than 3 months old, you don’t have any backlinks and you haven’t started optimizing your website for your keywords. Essentially, this is starting from scratch.

Diagnosis: Link building strategies for new websites are actually fairly simple. is going to be your best friend for this because you need to look at your competitors to see what they’re doing. What is their ratio of non-branded terms to branded? How many links do they have? How many of their links are using exact match anchor texts? Emulate these good practices in your new link portfolio.The term “everything in moderation” is truer in this situation than in any other. You have no authority or history with the search engines, which essentially means they don’t trust you.

Treatment: Your website needs authority, and the best way to do this is through guest blog posting. Focusing on this link building method will also prevent you from getting an over optimization penalty, which results from too many links containing too similar of anchor text. We need to make sure these links look natural to the search engines. It’s best to widely vary the anchor text you’re using, and including branded terms in anchor text is also highly recommended. Don’t count out industry or local specific directories (these are still very valuable) but I wouldn’t recommend going out and blasting 300 directory submissions every week. Article distribution services should be used sparingly, and press releases will be very valuable because of the authoritative websites you’ll be getting the links from. The key to this situation is to not overdo it, because you could potentially be hit with a penalty. One last note– don’t be surprised if you cannot rank for highly competitive terms in the first 9 months. The conspiracy theorist in me is a believer in Google’s “sandbox theory”, which doesn’t allow your website to reach its potential in the search results for X amount of time for highly competitive search terms.

Situation #4: Extremely authoritative site, 7+ year old domain and highly optimized.

Symptoms: Sites in this situation include major industry leaders for massive keywords like “hotels”, “SEO” or “computers”. The work your team has done is probably plateauing, because traditional link building methods don’t move the needle like they used to.
Diagnosis: Smaller, newer websites don’t really have a chance of ranking for these keywords unless they are backed by years of SEO work and a strong presence, both online and offline. Because the keywords for this situation are so competitive, that is the problem you are running into.
Treatment: If you want to rank for million dollar keywords, you need to think outside the box. Directory submissions, bookmarking links, article distribution sites aren’t really going to serve the purpose that they do with smaller websites. Where you’re going to find the value, at the very minimum, is guest blog posting. Key factors that play into the success many large companies have with their SEO include running contests, promoting infographics, distributing press releases and having a major social presence and following.

Situation #5: 18-month old website, little authority and possible Google penalty.

Symptoms: You had success at some point over the last 18 months, but something happened. Either Google updated their algorithm, or they finally caught on to your spammy link building tactics. Your keyword rankings were rising, but now that they have been hit, you don’t have anything on the first page of Google anymore.

Diagnosis: I’m going to guess that the majority of the link building you were doing consisted of low level tactics like directory submissions, bookmark linking and bulk article distribution sites. While those have their place in some search engine optimization campaigns, you were putting all your eggs in one basket. On top of that, the anchor text you were using was rarely varied. These are all classic symptoms of an over-optimization penalty from Google.

Treatment: Stop what you’re doing! Google doesn’t it like it, and now they don’t like you either. You need to start guest blog posting, submitting press releases, building tools and providing quality content to your readers. By doing this, you will become a real resource within your industry, and one that Google can trust. It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to send Google a reconsideration request through Webmaster Tools just to cover all of your bases. Get involved in social media and start promoting your content there. With all the buzz around the new social signals that the search engines will be using, you don’t want to be left behind and play catch up again.Do not expect a quick turnaround. You could be working at repairing your rankings for 4-6 months before anything starts to come back. Spammy tactics don’t pay off. It’s kind of like the phrase “don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time”.
I’m 100% certain that there is more to add to this list. As this is a great starting point for many site owners, I encourage all of you to add your advice to whichever situation you’re familiar with. I’ve had client experiences that touch on every situation above, but I want to hear from you!

What is SEO?

What is SEO
Search engine optimization is a method of getting your website to rank higher in search engines—such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. A search engine optimization campaign pairs on-site optimization with off-site tactics, which means you make changes to your site itself while building a portfolio of natural looking back links to increase your organic rankings.
When Internet users search for your products or services, your website needs to be the first one they find. SEO helps the search engines recognize your relevance to specific keywords that people search for online. The search engine optimization process includes researching keywords, creating content, building links and making sure your website is visible in the search engines.